Miami herald news

The Miami Herald is a major American newspaper owned by the McClatchy Company, a leading newspaper publisher in the United States. Here are some key facts about the Miami Herald:

History: The Miami Herald was founded in 1903 by Frank B. Shutts, a prominent businessman and politician. The newspaper was originally called the Miami Metropolis and was later renamed the Miami Herald in 1910.

Circulation: The Miami Herald has a daily circulation of around 100,000 and a Sunday circulation of around 150,000. It is one of the largest newspapers in Florida and the largest in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach metropolitan area.

Content: The Miami Herald covers local, national, and international news, with a focus on issues affecting South Florida, including politics, business, education, and culture. The newspaper also has a strong investigative reporting tradition and has won numerous awards for its journalism.

Online presence: The Miami Herald has a strong online presence, with a website ( that attracts millions of visitors each month. The newspaper also has a mobile app and social media presence on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

Awards and recognition: The Miami Herald has won numerous awards for its journalism, including the Pulitzer Prize, the National Press Club's Edwin M. Hood Award, and the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi Award.

Notable journalists: The Miami Herald has been home to many notable journalists over the years, including Pulitzer Prize winners such as Edna Buchanan, a crime reporter who won the Pulitzer in 1986, and Leonard Pitts Jr., a columnist who won the Pulitzer in 2004.

Recent developments: In 2018, the McClatchy Company, the parent company of the Miami Herald, filed for bankruptcy and was subsequently acquired by the hedge fund Chatham Asset Management. The Miami Herald continues to operate as a standalone newspaper, with a commitment to independent journalism and a focus on serving the communities of South Florida.