Mfm new year prayer

Here's a sample New Year's prayer for a Muslim family (MFM):

Title: A New Year, A New Beginning

Date: January 1st, every year

Prayer Leader: [Name of the prayer leader, usually the father or the head of the household]


All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. We seek His forgiveness and guidance.

O Allah, we come before You on this New Year's Day, seeking Your mercy and blessings. We acknowledge that You are the One who has given us another year of life, and we are grateful for Your countless favors.

O Allah, we ask You to bless this new year with peace, prosperity, and good health. Guide us to use our time wisely, to prioritize our spiritual growth, and to be of service to our community.

O Allah, we pray for our family, our loved ones, and our community. Bless them with Your guidance, protection, and provision. Keep them safe from harm and evil, and grant them the strength to overcome any challenges they may face.

O Allah, we ask You to forgive our sins and mistakes of the past year. Purify our hearts and minds, and grant us the courage to start anew.

O Allah, we pray for Your mercy and forgiveness. We acknowledge that we are not perfect, and we ask You to have mercy on us. Grant us the strength to overcome our weaknesses and to become better Muslims.

O Allah, we ask You to bless our homes with peace, love, and harmony. Grant us the ability to live together in unity and to support one another in our spiritual journeys.

O Allah, we pray for Your guidance and wisdom. Grant us the ability to make wise decisions and to prioritize our spiritual growth.

O Allah, we ask You to bless our children with knowledge, wisdom, and good character. Grant them the ability to grow up to be righteous and responsible individuals who will make us proud.

O Allah, we pray for Your protection and guidance. Keep us safe from harm and evil, and grant us the strength to overcome any challenges we may face.

O Allah, we ask You to bless our community with peace, prosperity, and good health. Grant us the ability to live together in harmony and to support one another in our spiritual journeys.

O Allah, we pray for Your mercy and forgiveness. We acknowledge that we are not perfect, and we ask You to have mercy on us. Grant us the strength to overcome our weaknesses and to become better Muslims.

O Allah, we ask You to bless our imams, scholars, and spiritual leaders. Grant them the wisdom, knowledge, and guidance to lead us on the right path.

O Allah, we pray for Your blessings and mercy. Grant us the ability to live a life that is pleasing to You, and to be a source of guidance and inspiration to others.


Note: This is just a sample prayer, and you can modify it to fit your family's specific needs and circumstances. It's also a good idea to include personal prayers and supplications that are specific to your family's situation.