Mfc news

Here are some recent news and updates from the world of Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC):

MFC 14.2 and Visual Studio 2019

In August 2019, Microsoft released MFC 14.2, which is included in Visual Studio 2019. This update brings several new features and improvements, including:

MFC and Windows 10

Microsoft has been working to improve MFC's support for Windows 10. In 2018, they released MFC 14.1, which added support for Windows 10's Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and improved compatibility with Windows 10's new features.

MFC and C++20

In 2020, Microsoft announced that MFC will support C++20 features, including concepts, modules, and coroutines. This will enable developers to take advantage of the latest C++ features and improve the performance and maintainability of their MFC applications.

MFC and Azure

Microsoft has been working to integrate MFC with Azure, its cloud computing platform. In 2020, they released a preview of MFC on Azure, which allows developers to deploy MFC applications to Azure and take advantage of its scalability and reliability features.

MFC Community

The MFC community has been active in recent years, with many developers contributing to the MFC open-source project on GitHub. The community has also been working on porting MFC to new platforms, such as Linux and macOS.

MFC and Visual Studio Code

In 2020, Microsoft announced that MFC will be supported in Visual Studio Code, its lightweight code editor. This will enable developers to use MFC with Visual Studio Code and take advantage of its features, such as code completion and debugging.

These are just a few of the recent news and updates from the world of MFC. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments, I recommend following the MFC team on Twitter or subscribing to the MFC newsletter.