Mext japan scholarships 2023 infoguide south africa

Here is an information guide on the MEXT Japan Scholarships 2023 for South African students:

What is MEXT Japan Scholarship?

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study in Japan. The scholarship is designed to promote mutual understanding and cultural exchange between Japan and other countries.

Eligibility Criteria for South African Students

To be eligible for the MEXT Japan Scholarship, South African students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a citizen of South Africa
  2. Be under the age of 30 (for undergraduate studies) or 35 (for graduate studies) as of April 1, 2023
  3. Have a bachelor's degree (for undergraduate studies) or a master's degree (for graduate studies) from a recognized university
  4. Have a good command of Japanese language (N1 level or higher) or be willing to learn Japanese
  5. Have a strong academic record and a good understanding of the field of study
  6. Be willing to return to South Africa after completing the scholarship

Types of Scholarships

MEXT Japan offers two types of scholarships:

  1. Undergraduate Scholarship: For students who wish to pursue an undergraduate degree in Japan
  2. Graduate Scholarship: For students who wish to pursue a master's or doctoral degree in Japan

Scholarship Benefits

The MEXT Japan Scholarship provides the following benefits:

  1. Tuition fees: All tuition fees will be waived
  2. Living stipend: A monthly stipend of ¥143,000 (approximately R24,000) will be provided
  3. Airfare: A round-trip airfare from South Africa to Japan will be provided
  4. Accommodation: A dormitory room will be provided
  5. Health insurance: Health insurance will be provided

Application Procedure

The application procedure for the MEXT Japan Scholarship is as follows:

  1. Step 1: Check the eligibility criteria and ensure that you meet the requirements
  2. Step 2: Submit your application to the Japanese Embassy or Consulate in South Africa by the designated deadline (usually in March or April)
  3. Step 3: If your application is shortlisted, you will be invited for an interview at the Japanese Embassy or Consulate
  4. Step 4: If you pass the interview, you will be selected as a scholarship recipient and will receive a notification from MEXT Japan


The deadline for submitting applications to the Japanese Embassy or Consulate in South Africa is usually in March or April. Please check the official website of the Japanese Embassy or Consulate in South Africa for the exact deadline.

Contact Information

For more information on the MEXT Japan Scholarship, please contact:

I hope this information guide is helpful! Good luck with your application!