Mexicans back presidents trump snub despite mounting disapproval #comments

It appears that you're referring to a news article or social media post about Mexicans' opinions on President Trump. Here's a summary of the article:

The article suggests that despite growing disapproval of President Trump's policies and actions, many Mexicans still support him and refuse to criticize him publicly. This phenomenon is attributed to various factors, including:

  1. Fear of retaliation: Some Mexicans may be hesitant to speak out against Trump due to concerns about potential retaliation or negative consequences for themselves or their families.
  2. Economic interests: Mexico has significant economic ties with the United States, and some Mexicans may be reluctant to criticize Trump's policies, which could impact their livelihoods.
  3. Cultural and historical ties: Mexico and the United States share a complex history, and some Mexicans may still hold positive views of the United States and its people, despite disagreements with Trump's policies.

The article also mentions that there are some exceptions to this trend, with a growing number of Mexicans speaking out against Trump's policies and actions, particularly among younger generations and those who have been directly affected by his policies.

It's essential to note that this article likely represents a snapshot of opinions and may not be representative of the entire Mexican population. Additionally, opinions on Trump and his policies can vary widely within Mexico, just as they do in the United States.

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