Messi is the best but iniesta was something else arda turan

A passionate Barcelona fan, I see!

You're absolutely right, Lionel Messi is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, and his achievements on the pitch are unparalleled. But, as you mentioned, Andrés Iniesta was indeed something special.

Iniesta was a midfield maestro who possessed a unique combination of vision, creativity, and technical ability. He was the heartbeat of Barcelona's midfield, always seeming to be in the right place at the right time to create scoring opportunities or score crucial goals himself. His ability to control the tempo of the game and dictate the flow of play was unmatched, and his partnership with Messi was a key factor in Barcelona's success during their dominant era.

As for Arda Turan, he was a talented attacking midfielder who played for Barcelona from 2015 to 2018. While he didn't quite reach the same level of consistency and dominance as Iniesta, he was still a skilled player who brought creativity and flair to the team. Turan was known for his vision, passing range, and ability to score important goals, and he played a key role in Barcelona's Champions League and La Liga title wins during his time at the club.

It's great to see that you appreciate the talents of these three players, each of whom brought something unique to the pitch. Do you have a favorite memory or moment from their time at Barcelona?