Message to my new friend

Here are a few ideas for a message to send to your new friend:

Option 1: Simple and Friendly

"Hey [Friend's Name], just wanted to say hi and thanks for being such a great friend so far! Looking forward to getting to know you better"

Option 2: Share a Fun Fact

"Hey [Friend's Name], I just wanted to say hi and share a fun fact about myself. Did you know that [insert fun fact here]? Anyway, I'm really enjoying our conversations and I'm excited to see where our friendship goes"

Option 3: Ask a Question

"Hey [Friend's Name], hope you're doing well! I was just thinking, what's been the highlight of your week so far? I'd love to hear about it"

Option 4: Share a Common Interest

"Hey [Friend's Name], I saw that you like [insert shared interest here]. I'm a huge fan of that too! Have you checked out [related topic or resource]? I think you'd really enjoy it"

Option 5: Be Yourself

"Hey [Friend's Name], just wanted to say hi and be real for a second. I'm really glad we met and I'm excited to see where our friendship takes us. You seem like an amazing person and I'm honored to call you my friend"

Remember, the most important thing is to be genuine and sincere in your message. Your new friend will appreciate your thoughtfulness and enthusiasm!