Message 7 checkpoints to know if you should marry him her kingsley okonkwo

Here are 7 checkpoints to know if you should marry him/her, as written by Kingsley Okonkwo:

Checkpoint 1: Do You Feel Like You're Growing Together?

Are you and your partner growing together, or are you growing apart? Do you feel like you're learning new things, exploring new interests, and becoming better versions of yourselves together? If you're growing together, it's a good sign that you're on the same wavelength and that your relationship is strong.

Checkpoint 2: Can You Communicate Effectively?

Can you communicate effectively with your partner? Do you feel heard, understood, and validated when you talk to each other? Are you able to resolve conflicts and disagreements in a healthy and constructive way? If you can communicate effectively, it's a sign that you're building a strong foundation for your relationship.

Checkpoint 3: Do You Share Common Values and Goals?

Do you and your partner share common values and goals? Are you on the same page when it comes to what's important in life, such as family, career, and personal growth? If you share common values and goals, it's a sign that you're aligned and that your relationship is built on a strong foundation.

Checkpoint 4: Can You Be Yourself Around Each Other?

Can you be yourself around your partner, without fear of judgment or rejection? Do you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts, feelings, and desires with each other? If you can be yourself around each other, it's a sign that you've built a strong and trusting relationship.

Checkpoint 5: Do You Support Each Other's Dreams and Ambitions?

Do you and your partner support each other's dreams and ambitions? Do you encourage and celebrate each other's successes, and offer support and guidance when things get tough? If you support each other's dreams and ambitions, it's a sign that you're building a strong and supportive partnership.

Checkpoint 6: Can You Handle Conflict and Disagreement?

Can you handle conflict and disagreement in a healthy and constructive way? Are you able to work through tough times and come out stronger on the other side? If you can handle conflict and disagreement, it's a sign that you're building a strong and resilient relationship.

Checkpoint 7: Do You Feel Like You're Building a Life Together?

Do you feel like you're building a life together with your partner? Are you creating a home, a family, and a future together? If you feel like you're building a life together, it's a sign that you're committed to each other and that your relationship is strong and sustainable.

Remember, these checkpoints are not a guarantee of success, but they can help you evaluate the strength and health of your relationship. Ultimately, the decision to marry someone is a personal one, and it's important to consider your own feelings, values, and goals when making this decision.