Merriam webster new words

Merriam-Webster adds new words to its dictionary every year, reflecting changes in language usage and cultural trends. Here are some recent additions:

2022 Additions

  1. Vaxxer (noun): a person who has been vaccinated against a particular disease
  2. Infodemic (noun): a situation in which people are overwhelmed with too much information, often making it difficult to distinguish fact from fiction
  3. Pandemic (adjective): relating to or characterized by a widespread outbreak of a disease
  4. Social distancing (noun): the practice of maintaining a safe physical distance from others to reduce the transmission of a disease
  5. Zoom fatigue (noun): the feeling of exhaustion or burnout caused by excessive video conferencing

2021 Additions

  1. Rona (noun): a colloquial or informal term for COVID-19
  2. Maskne (noun): acne caused by wearing a mask
  3. Quaranteam (noun): a group of people who are quarantined together
  4. Viral (adjective): relating to or characterized by a rapid spread of information or a disease
  5. Wellness warrior (noun): a person who prioritizes their physical and mental well-being

2020 Additions

  1. Infobesity (noun): a condition characterized by an excessive amount of information, often making it difficult to focus or make decisions
  2. Mental load (noun): the emotional and mental burden of managing daily responsibilities and tasks
  3. Pandemic fatigue (noun): the feeling of exhaustion or burnout caused by the prolonged duration of a pandemic
  4. Social media influencer (noun): a person who has a significant following on social media and uses their influence to promote products or causes
  5. Vaccine hesitancy (noun): a reluctance or refusal to get vaccinated against a particular disease

These are just a few examples of the many new words added to Merriam-Webster's dictionary in recent years. The dictionary is constantly evolving to reflect changes in language usage and cultural trends.