Merit not tribe should determine who leads us el rufai

A quote from Nasir el-Rufai, the Governor of Kaduna State in Nigeria!

"Merit, not tribe, should determine who leads us" is a powerful statement that emphasizes the importance of competence and ability over ethnic or tribal affiliations in leadership selection.

In a country like Nigeria, where ethnic and tribal divisions can often take precedence over national interests, el-Rufai's statement is a refreshing call to focus on the qualifications and character of a leader rather than their background or affiliation.

By saying "merit, not tribe", el-Rufai is advocating for a more meritocratic approach to leadership selection, where the best person for the job is chosen based on their skills, experience, and track record, regardless of their ethnic or tribal background.

This approach can help to promote unity, stability, and progress in Nigeria, as it recognizes that everyone has the potential to contribute to the country's development, regardless of their background.

Well said, Governor el-Rufai!