Mercy aigbe vows drag designer duped bride court #

It seems like you're referring to a recent news story about Mercy Aigbe, a Nigerian actress, and a controversy surrounding a wedding dress designer.

From what I gathered, Mercy Aigbe took to social media to express her disappointment and frustration with a wedding dress designer who allegedly duped her and failed to deliver a dress she had paid for. She shared a series of posts on Instagram, detailing the ordeal and calling out the designer for their unprofessional behavior.

The drama unfolded when Mercy Aigbe claimed that the designer, who goes by the name "Court #", took her money and failed to deliver the dress, leaving her with no choice but to wear a different outfit on her wedding day. She also accused the designer of being unresponsive and unprofessional throughout the entire process.

Mercy Aigbe's posts sparked a lot of reactions and comments from her fans and followers, with many of them expressing their support and sympathy for her. The incident has also raised concerns about the quality of service and professionalism in the wedding industry.

It's unfortunate that Mercy Aigbe had to go through this experience, and I hope that the designer takes responsibility for their actions and makes things right with her.