Men of the new testament

Here is a list of men mentioned in the New Testament:


  1. Peter (Simon Peter) - one of Jesus' closest disciples and the leader of the early Christian church
  2. John (the Apostle) - one of Jesus' closest disciples and the author of the Gospel of John, 1-3 John, and Revelation
  3. James (the Apostle) - one of Jesus' closest disciples and the brother of John
  4. Andrew - one of Jesus' earliest disciples and the brother of Peter
  5. Philip - one of Jesus' disciples and a leader in the early Christian church
  6. Bartholomew (Nathaniel) - one of Jesus' disciples
  7. Thomas - one of Jesus' disciples and known for his doubts
  8. Matthew (Levi) - one of Jesus' disciples and the author of the Gospel of Matthew
  9. James (the Less) - one of Jesus' disciples and the brother of Jude
  10. Jude (Thaddeus) - one of Jesus' disciples and the brother of James
  11. Simon the Zealot - one of Jesus' disciples
  12. Judas Iscariot - one of Jesus' disciples who betrayed him

Other Disciples

  1. Matthias - chosen to replace Judas Iscariot as an apostle
  2. Stephen - a deacon and one of the first Christian martyrs
  3. Saul (Paul) - a persecutor of Christians who became a Christian and a prominent apostle
  4. Barnabas - a Christian leader and the companion of Paul on his missionary journeys
  5. Silas (Silvanus) - a Christian leader and the companion of Paul on his missionary journeys
  6. Timothy - a young Christian leader and the companion of Paul
  7. Titus - a Christian leader and the companion of Paul

Other Men

  1. Joseph (the husband of Mary) - the earthly father of Jesus
  2. Zechariah - the father of John the Baptist
  3. Simeon - a righteous and devout man who recognized Jesus as the Messiah
  4. Anna - a prophetess who recognized Jesus as the Messiah
  5. Nicodemus - a Pharisee who became a secret follower of Jesus
  6. Joseph of Arimathea - a wealthy Christian who donated his tomb for Jesus' burial
  7. Nicodemus (again) - who helped to bury Jesus
  8. Gamaliel - a Pharisee who advised the Sanhedrin to leave the apostles alone
  9. Ananias - a Christian who was sent by the Holy Spirit to heal Saul (Paul)
  10. Azariah - a Christian who was sent by the Holy Spirit to heal Saul (Paul)

This is not an exhaustive list, but it includes many of the men mentioned in the New Testament.