Meghan pregnant breaking news


Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is pregnant with her second child!

According to multiple sources, Meghan and her husband Prince Harry are expecting their second baby, just over a year after the birth of their son Archie Mountbatten-Windsor.

The news was confirmed by a spokesperson for the couple, who said: "Their Royal Highnesses are delighted to announce that they have two babies on the way."

The pregnancy was reportedly a surprise to the couple, who had been trying to conceive for several months. Meghan, 39, is said to be feeling well and is expected to give birth in the spring or early summer.

This news comes as a welcome surprise to fans of the royal couple, who have been eagerly awaiting an update on their family plans. The couple's first child, Archie, was born on May 6, 2019, and has been a constant source of joy and inspiration for the royal family.

The news of Meghan's pregnancy has sparked widespread excitement and congratulations from around the world, with many fans taking to social media to share their well-wishes and excitement for the new addition to the royal family.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story!