Meghan news

You're looking for news about Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex! Here are some recent updates:

Latest News:

  1. Meghan and Harry's Archewell Foundation launches new initiative: The couple's non-profit organization has launched a new initiative to support women's empowerment and education. The program, called "86," aims to provide resources and support to women and girls around the world.
  2. Meghan's podcast debut: Meghan has launched her own podcast, "Archewell Audio," with her husband Harry. The first episode, titled "15 Minutes with...," features a conversation with actress and activist, Jane Goodall.
  3. Royal Family's Christmas plans: The Royal Family has announced their Christmas plans, which include a festive gathering at Sandringham Estate in Norfolk. Meghan and Harry are expected to join the family for the holiday.

Recent Interviews and Appearances:

  1. Meghan's interview with Ellen DeGeneres: Meghan appeared on Ellen's show, where she talked about her life as a royal, her podcast, and her favorite books.
  2. Harry and Meghan's appearance at the One World: Together at Home concert: The couple appeared at the virtual concert, which aimed to raise funds and awareness for the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Meghan's speech at the Girl Up Leadership Summit: Meghan delivered a powerful speech at the Girl Up Leadership Summit, where she spoke about the importance of empowering young women and girls.

Other News:

  1. Meghan's fashion choices: Meghan has been spotted wearing several stylish outfits recently, including a chic black dress and a bold red coat.
  2. Harry and Meghan's future plans: There have been rumors about the couple's future plans, including a possible move to the United States and a potential return to royal duties.

Stay tuned for more updates on Meghan Markle and the Royal Family!