Meet pere bbnaija big brother shine ya eye africa magic

I think you're referring to Pere Egbi, a popular Nigerian reality TV star who participated in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) reality show, also known as "Shine Ya Eye" edition.

Pere Egbi is a 28-year-old entrepreneur and model from Delta State, Nigeria. He was a strong contender in the show and gained a massive following for his charming personality, witty remarks, and strategic gameplay.

As a fan favorite, Pere's journey on the show was filled with drama, romance, and excitement. He formed strong bonds with his fellow housemates, including his closest friend, Whitemoney, and even had a romantic relationship with Maria Chike.

Pere's magic, as you put it, lies in his ability to connect with people, his quick wit, and his ability to think on his feet. He was known for his clever comebacks and his ability to stay calm under pressure.

After his eviction from the show, Pere has continued to build his brand and remains a popular figure in the Nigerian entertainment industry. He has collaborated with other celebrities, launched his own clothing line, and has been involved in various philanthropic activities.

So, that's Pere Egbi, the BBNaija star who brought magic to the Shine Ya Eye edition!