Meet makeup artist that has been painting her face blue for over two years

I'm sitting in a small, cozy makeup studio, surrounded by an array of colorful makeup products and tools. The makeup artist, whose name is Luna, greets me with a warm smile. She's a petite woman with short, spiky hair and piercing green eyes. But what catches my attention is her face - it's a brilliant shade of blue.

"Hi there! I'm Luna," she says, extending her hand for a handshake. "I'm a makeup artist, and I've been painting my face blue for over two years now."

I'm taken aback by her bold statement, but I'm also intrigued. I've never met anyone who has done something like this before. "Wow, that's... quite a statement," I say, trying to sound casual. "What inspired you to start doing this?"

Luna settles into her chair, gesturing for me to take a seat next to her. "I've always been fascinated by art and self-expression," she explains. "As a makeup artist, I love experimenting with different looks and techniques. But I wanted to do something that would really make a statement, something that would set me apart from everyone else."

She pauses, thinking for a moment before continuing. "I started painting my face blue as a way to express my creativity and individuality. It's a way for me to stand out in a crowd and to show people that it's okay to be different."

I nod, taking in her words. "That's really inspiring," I say. "But how do you do it? Is it a lot of work?"

Luna laughs. "It's definitely a process," she admits. "I use a combination of makeup products and techniques to achieve the blue color. It takes me about an hour to an hour and a half to get the look just right."

She pulls out a small makeup bag and begins rummaging through it. "I use a combination of blue eyeshadow, blue eyeliner, and blue lip gloss to get the color just right," she explains. "I also use a special blue foundation that's designed specifically for this look."

As she works, I watch in amazement as her face transforms into a brilliant shade of blue. It's a truly striking look, and I can see why she's been doing it for so long.

"So, what's the reaction been like from people?" I ask, curious about how others have responded to her bold look.

Luna shrugs. "Some people love it, and some people are really confused," she says with a laugh. "But I've learned to just roll with it. I've even started to get recognized for my unique look, and it's been really cool to connect with other people who are also interested in self-expression."

As we chat, I realize that Luna's blue face is more than just a bold fashion statement - it's a symbol of her creativity, individuality, and confidence. And as I leave the studio, I'm inspired to think about how I can express myself in my own unique way.