Medical residency in new zealand

Medical residency in New Zealand! Here's an overview to help you get started:


New Zealand offers a range of medical residency programs for international medical graduates (IMGs) and domestic graduates. The country has a well-established healthcare system, and its medical residency programs are recognized globally.

Types of Residency Programs

  1. Intern Year: Also known as the Foundation Year, this is a one-year program for newly graduated doctors to gain practical experience in a hospital setting.
  2. Specialist Training: This is a 3-7 year program for doctors who have completed their internship and want to specialize in a particular field, such as surgery, medicine, or pediatrics.
  3. General Practice Residency: This is a 2-3 year program for doctors who want to specialize in general practice (family medicine).


To be eligible for a medical residency program in New Zealand, you typically need:

  1. A medical degree from a recognized institution
  2. A valid Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) registration
  3. A minimum of 12 months of clinical experience (for specialist training programs)

Application Process

  1. Check eligibility: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the program you're interested in.
  2. Apply through the MCNZ: Submit your application through the Medical Council of New Zealand's online portal.
  3. Provide required documents: Include your medical degree, transcripts, and any other relevant documents.
  4. Pass the Occupational English Test (OET): If your medical degree was not taught in English, you may need to take the OET.
  5. Interviews: Some programs may require an interview as part of the selection process.

Funding and Support

  1. Funding: The New Zealand government provides funding for medical residency programs, which covers your salary and benefits.
  2. Accommodation and living expenses: You'll need to cover your own accommodation and living expenses, but these can be relatively affordable in New Zealand.

Popular Residency Programs

  1. Auckland District Health Board: Offers a range of residency programs, including internal medicine, surgery, and pediatrics.
  2. Waitemata District Health Board: Offers programs in internal medicine, surgery, and emergency medicine.
  3. Canterbury District Health Board: Offers programs in internal medicine, surgery, and pediatrics.

Tips and Insights

  1. Research, research, research: Learn as much as you can about the residency programs, hospitals, and cities you're interested in.
  2. Network: Connect with current residents and program directors to gain insights into the programs and application process.
  3. Be prepared: Make sure you have all the required documents and information ready before applying.
  4. Be flexible: Be open to different locations and programs, as this can increase your chances of securing a spot.

I hope this information helps you get started on your medical residency journey in New Zealand!