Medical mystery new vegas

A medical mystery in the world of Fallout: New Vegas! That sounds like a fascinating plot. Here's a potential story idea:

Title: "The Plague of the Mojave"

Premise: A mysterious illness is spreading rapidly throughout the Mojave Wasteland, infecting both humans and creatures alike. The symptoms are bizarre and terrifying: victims experience vivid hallucinations, their skin turns a sickly shade of green, and their bodies begin to mutate in grotesque ways. The disease seems to be airborne, and its source is unknown.

Protagonist: You play as a skilled doctor or scientist who has been hired by the New California Republic (NCR) or Caesar's Legion to investigate the outbreak. Your character has a background in medicine and is well-equipped to handle the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world.

Story: As you delve deeper into the mystery, you'll encounter various characters who are affected by the disease. You'll visit hospitals, clinics, and makeshift medical facilities to gather information and treat patients. Along the way, you'll uncover clues that suggest the disease may be linked to a long-abandoned research facility, a mysterious cult, or even a natural phenomenon.


  1. Uncovering the source: You'll need to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and analyze samples to determine the cause of the outbreak.
  2. Treating patients: You'll have to manage limited medical resources and make tough decisions about who to prioritize for treatment.
  3. Dealing with the consequences: As the disease spreads, you'll face moral dilemmas, such as deciding whether to quarantine entire settlements or risk spreading the disease further by trying to find a cure.
  4. Fending off hostile factions: The NCR, Caesar's Legion, and other factions may try to exploit the situation for their own gain, leading to conflicts and power struggles.

Potential plot twists:

  1. The disease is not what it seems: As you dig deeper, you may discover that the disease is not a natural phenomenon, but rather a result of human experimentation gone wrong.
  2. A cure is within reach: You may find a potential cure, but it comes with unintended consequences, such as altering the patient's DNA or creating new problems.
  3. The source is not a single entity: The outbreak may be caused by a combination of factors, including environmental toxins, radiation, and human error.


  1. The ethics of medical research: The game explores the moral implications of conducting medical research in a post-apocalyptic world, where resources are scarce and the stakes are high.
  2. The consequences of playing with nature: The game highlights the dangers of tampering with the natural world, as the consequences of the disease spread far beyond the initial outbreak.
  3. The importance of cooperation: As the disease spreads, the game emphasizes the need for cooperation and communication between different factions and individuals to find a solution.

This is just a starting point, and you can feel free to modify or discard any elements that don't resonate with you. Good luck with your medical mystery in Fallout: New Vegas!