Meaning of deal breakers

A "deal breaker" is a term used to describe a characteristic, trait, or behavior that is so unacceptable or unappealing to someone that it would cause them to end a relationship, terminate a business partnership, or abandon a potential opportunity. In other words, it's something that is so significant that it would be a major obstacle to moving forward or continuing the relationship.

Deal breakers can vary depending on the individual, culture, or context, but common examples include:

  1. Lack of honesty or trustworthiness
  2. Infidelity or unfaithfulness
  3. Abuse or violence
  4. Addiction or substance abuse
  5. Financial irresponsibility or debt
  6. Unacceptable values or beliefs
  7. Poor communication or conflict resolution skills
  8. Unwillingness to compromise or adapt
  9. Unhealthy or toxic behavior patterns
  10. Incompatibility or lack of shared goals

In a romantic relationship, deal breakers might include:

In a business or professional context, deal breakers might include:

In general, deal breakers are characteristics or behaviors that are so significant that they would make it difficult or impossible to maintain a healthy, productive, or fulfilling relationship.