Mdas refusing to pay 7 5 for contracts awarded at 5 firs

It seems like you're having an issue with a company (MDAS) refusing to pay for contracts awarded at a price of $5, but they're only willing to pay $7.50. This is a common problem in business, especially when there's a discrepancy in the agreed-upon price.

Here are some potential steps you could take to resolve this issue:

  1. Review the contract: Go back to the original contract and review the terms and conditions. Check if there's a clause that outlines the payment terms, including the price agreed upon.
  2. Communicate with MDAS: Reach out to MDAS and explain the situation. Be polite and professional, and try to understand their perspective. Ask them to clarify why they're only willing to pay $7.50.
  3. Negotiate: If MDAS is unwilling to pay the original price, try to negotiate a compromise. You could suggest a middle ground, such as $6.50 or $6.75. Be prepared to explain why you're not willing to accept the lower price.
  4. Escalate the issue: If negotiations don't work, consider escalating the issue to a higher authority within MDAS. This could be a supervisor or a manager who may be able to help resolve the dispute.
  5. Consider mediation: If all else fails, you could consider seeking mediation from a third-party neutral. This could be a professional mediator who can help facilitate a conversation between you and MDAS to resolve the dispute.

Remember to stay calm and professional throughout the process. Good luck!