Mckinsey and company new york

McKinsey & Company is a global management consulting firm with a significant presence in New York City. Here are some key facts about McKinsey's New York office:

Location: McKinsey's New York office is located at:

McKinsey & Company 55 East 52nd Street New York, NY 10022

History: McKinsey & Company was founded in 1926 by James O. McKinsey, and its New York office was established in the 1930s. Today, the firm has over 1,000 employees in its New York office, making it one of the largest offices in the world.

Practice areas: McKinsey's New York office serves clients across a wide range of industries, including:

  1. Financial Services: Banking, Capital Markets, Insurance, and Wealth Management
  2. Healthcare: Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, and Healthcare Services
  3. Consumer Goods: Retail, Consumer Packaged Goods, and Luxury Goods
  4. Technology: Software, Internet, and Technology Services
  5. Energy: Oil and Gas, Power and Utilities, and Renewable Energy
  6. Industrial: Aerospace, Automotive, and Industrial Manufacturing

Services: McKinsey's New York office offers a range of services, including:

  1. Strategy Development: Helping clients develop and implement business strategies
  2. Operations Improvement: Improving operational efficiency and effectiveness
  3. Organization Design: Designing and implementing organizational structures
  4. Change Management: Helping clients manage change and transformation
  5. Digital Transformation: Helping clients leverage digital technologies to drive growth and innovation

Culture: McKinsey is known for its collaborative and inclusive culture, with a focus on teamwork, innovation, and continuous learning. The firm's New York office is home to a diverse group of employees from over 50 countries, with a range of backgrounds and experiences.

Recruitment: McKinsey recruits top talent from top universities and professional programs around the world. The firm offers a range of entry-level and experienced hire opportunities, as well as internships and fellowships.

Community involvement: McKinsey's New York office is involved in a range of community initiatives, including:

  1. Pro bono work: Providing consulting services to non-profit organizations and social enterprises
  2. Philanthropy: Supporting a range of charitable causes and organizations
  3. Diversity and inclusion: Fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion within the firm and in the broader community

Overall, McKinsey's New York office is a hub of innovation, collaboration, and expertise, serving clients across a wide range of industries and sectors.