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Here are some recent news articles from

Latest News

  1. McDonald's to trial self-service kiosks in UK restaurants: McDonald's is set to trial self-service kiosks in some of its UK restaurants, allowing customers to order and pay for their food without the need for human interaction. (Source: The Grocer)
  2. McDonald's to launch vegan McPlant burger in UK: McDonald's is set to launch its vegan McPlant burger in the UK, following a successful trial in the US. The burger features a plant-based patty made by Beyond Meat. (Source: The Telegraph)
  3. McDonald's to open 20 new restaurants in UK this year: McDonald's has announced plans to open 20 new restaurants in the UK this year, creating hundreds of new jobs. The new restaurants will be located in a range of locations, including city centers and motorway service stations. (Source: BBC News)

Archive News

  1. McDonald's to introduce mobile ordering in UK: McDonald's has announced plans to introduce mobile ordering in the UK, allowing customers to order and pay for their food using their smartphones. (Source: The Guardian, 2020)
  2. McDonald's to launch breakfast menu in UK restaurants: McDonald's has launched a new breakfast menu in its UK restaurants, featuring items such as the Egg McMuffin and hash browns. (Source: The Independent, 2019)
  3. McDonald's to open 15 new restaurants in UK: McDonald's has announced plans to open 15 new restaurants in the UK, creating hundreds of new jobs. The new restaurants will be located in a range of locations, including city centers and motorway service stations. (Source: The Times, 2018)

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