Mayim bialiks daughter miles roosevelt bialik stone biography age net worth

I think there may be some confusion here!

Mayim Bialik is an American actress, neuroscientist, and author, best known for her roles in the TV shows "Blossom" and "The Big Bang Theory". She has two sons, not a daughter, with her husband Michael Stone.

Here's some information about her sons:

  1. Miles Roosevelt Bialik Stone (born October 10, 2005) - Miles is Mayim's older son with her husband Michael Stone. He was born in 2005.
  2. Frederick Heschel Bialik Stone (born August 10, 2008) - Frederick is Mayim's younger son with her husband Michael Stone. He was born in 2008.

As for their biography, age, and net worth, here's what I could find:

Mayim Bialik's net worth is estimated to be around $16 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. Her husband Michael Stone is a businessman and investor, and his net worth is not publicly disclosed.

I hope this clears up any confusion!