May 24 new zodiac sign

You're referring to the recent news about a potential new zodiac sign!

In 2020, astronomers at the International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced that they were considering adding a new constellation to the official list of 88 recognized by the IAU. The proposed new constellation is called "Ophiuchus" (pronounced oh-fy-oo-kus), which is a region of the sky that was previously considered part of the constellation Scorpius.

The IAU's decision was based on a redefinition of the boundaries of the constellations, which was necessary due to the precession of the equinoxes, a slow shift in the position of the stars over time. As a result, some of the traditional constellations, including Scorpius, had become distorted and no longer fit neatly within their original boundaries.

The new constellation, Ophiuchus, is a relatively small region of the sky that lies between Scorpius and Hercules. It is named after the mythological figure of Ophiuchus, who was said to be a healer and a serpent-bearer.

If the IAU officially recognizes Ophiuchus as a new constellation, it would mean that the traditional zodiac would need to be revised. The new sign would likely be placed between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and would be associated with the dates of November 29 to December 17.

However, it's worth noting that the IAU's decision is still pending, and the new constellation has not yet been officially recognized. The IAU is currently seeking feedback from the astronomical community and the public before making a final decision.

So, while Ophiuchus is not yet an officially recognized zodiac sign, it's an interesting development that could potentially change the way we understand the zodiac and the constellations!