Mau news
You're looking for some news in Malay! Here are some recent news headlines in Malay:
Berita Utama
- Kerajaan Malaysia sedia bantu rakyat Malaysia yang terjejas akibat pandemik COVID-19 (Malaysian government ready to help citizens affected by COVID-19 pandemic)
- Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia sedia vaksin COVID-19 kepada orang awam (Malaysian Ministry of Health ready to vaccinate COVID-19 to the public)
- Harga minyak mentah dunia naik, harga bahan api di Malaysia juga meningkat (Global crude oil prices rise, fuel prices in Malaysia also increase)
Berita Nasional
- Kerajaan negeri Sarawak sedia bantu rakyat yang terjejas akibat banjir (Sarawak state government ready to help citizens affected by floods)
- Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya Malaysia sedia bantu rakyat yang terjejas akibat pandemik COVID-19 (Malaysian Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture ready to help citizens affected by COVID-19 pandemic)
- Projek pembangunan infrastruktur di Malaysia akan diperluaskan (Infrastructure development project in Malaysia to be expanded)
Berita Antarabangsa
- COVID-19: Kes kematian di dunia meningkat, WHO sedia bantu negara-negara yang terjejas (COVID-19: Global death toll increases, WHO ready to help affected countries)
- Presiden AS, Joe Biden, sedia bantu negara-negara yang terjejas akibat pandemik COVID-19 (US President Joe Biden ready to help affected countries by COVID-19 pandemic)
- Perang Rusia-Ukraine: Kes kematian meningkat, WHO sedia bantu negara-negara yang terjejas (Russia-Ukraine war: Death toll increases, WHO ready to help affected countries)
I hope you find these news headlines helpful!