Mattyb new song

MattyB (Matthew Morris) is a popular American rapper and singer-songwriter known for his covers and original songs on YouTube and other music platforms. He has released many songs over the years, and it's possible that he may have a new song out recently.

To find out if MattyB has a new song, you can try the following:

  1. Check his official YouTube channel: MattyB has an official YouTube channel where he regularly uploads new music, music videos, and vlogs. You can check his channel to see if he has uploaded a new song recently.
  2. Look up his social media profiles: MattyB is active on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can check his profiles to see if he has announced a new song or shared a preview of an upcoming release.
  3. Search for his music on streaming platforms: You can search for MattyB's music on popular streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, or TikTok to see if he has a new song available.
  4. Check his official website: MattyB has an official website where he often updates his fans about new music, tours, and other projects. You can check his website to see if he has announced a new song or shared any information about upcoming releases.

Some of MattyB's popular songs include:

If you're looking for a specific type of song or genre, you can try searching for MattyB's music on YouTube or other platforms using keywords like "MattyB new song", "MattyB rap", "MattyB pop", etc.