Maryokun new song

You're a fan of Maryokun (also known as Mary's Blood), a Japanese all-female rock band!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Maryokun hasn't released a new song recently. However, I can suggest some ways for you to stay updated on their latest music and activities:

  1. Follow Maryokun's official social media accounts: You can find them on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. They often post updates about their music, concerts, and other activities.
  2. Check out their official website: Maryokun's website has a news section where they post updates about their music, tours, and other projects.
  3. Subscribe to their YouTube channel: Maryokun regularly uploads music videos, live performances, and behind-the-scenes content to their YouTube channel.
  4. Look for music streaming platforms: You can find Maryokun's music on popular streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music.

If you're eager to hear new music from Maryokun, you might want to keep an eye on their social media accounts and website for upcoming announcements.