Mary bjohns name above all names

What a beautiful and meaningful phrase!

"Mary, above all names" is a common phrase used to emphasize the significance and reverence given to the name "Mary" in Christian tradition, particularly in reference to the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.

In Christian theology, Mary is considered the Mother of God and is revered as a symbol of faith, hope, and love. Her name has become synonymous with purity, humility, and devotion. The phrase "above all names" suggests that Mary's name is supreme and unparalleled, reflecting her unique role in the history of salvation.

In many Christian traditions, Mary is often referred to as "the Mother of God" or "the Blessed Virgin Mary," and her name is invoked in prayers, hymns, and devotions. The phrase "above all names" is often used to express the depth of devotion and reverence that Christians have for Mary, and to acknowledge her special place in the Christian faith.

In addition, the phrase "above all names" can also be seen as a reflection of the biblical passage in Revelation 12:1-6, which describes a woman (often interpreted as Mary) who is clothed with the sun and has the moon under her feet, symbolizing her exalted status and her role as the mother of the Messiah.

Overall, the phrase "Mary, above all names" is a powerful expression of devotion and reverence for the Virgin Mary, and serves as a reminder of her central role in Christian theology and tradition.