Martin pk new song

You're a fan of Martin PK, the popular Nigerian gospel singer!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Martin PK has not released a new song recently. However, I can suggest some of his popular songs that you might enjoy:

  1. "The Lord's Prayer" - a powerful worship song that showcases his vocal range and emotional delivery.
  2. "I'm Blessed" - an upbeat praise song that celebrates God's goodness and blessings.
  3. "You Are the Reason" - a soulful ballad that highlights Martin PK's vocal prowess and emotional depth.
  4. "Holy Spirit" - a lively worship song that features his signature harmonies and energetic delivery.
  5. "My God" - a heartfelt song that expresses his devotion to God and trust in His goodness.

If you're looking for new music from Martin PK, I recommend keeping an eye on his social media accounts or signing up for his newsletter to stay updated on his latest releases and projects!

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