Martian manhunter new 52

Martian Manhunter in the New 52!

In the New 52 reboot of the DC Universe, Martian Manhunter's origin and character were reimagined. Here's a brief summary:

Origin: J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter, was once a member of the Martian civilization on Mars. He was a member of the Martian Council, a group of powerful Martians who governed the planet. However, when his people were wiped out by a deadly virus, J'onn was the only survivor. He escaped on a spaceship and crash-landed on Earth, where he was found by a group of humans who took him in.

Powers: Martian Manhunter's powers remained largely the same, including:

Personality: In the New 52, Martian Manhunter's personality was reimagined to be more brooding and intense. He was depicted as a loner who struggled to connect with humans due to his alien nature. He was also shown to be haunted by the memories of his people and the destruction of his homeworld.

Costume: Martian Manhunter's costume was redesigned to be more streamlined and modern. The classic red and gold color scheme was retained, but the design was simplified and made more functional.

Role in the DC Universe: In the New 52, Martian Manhunter was a member of the Justice League and played a key role in several major storylines. He was often depicted as a mentor and leader, using his powers and experience to help his teammates.

Notable Storylines:

Overall, Martian Manhunter's New 52 iteration was a fresh take on the classic character, offering a new perspective on his powers, personality, and role in the DC Universe.