Martial can become world class but must develop killer instinct saha

A quote from none other than the legendary Indian footballer, Bhaichung Bhutia!

"Martial can become world class but must develop killer instinct" - Saha

This quote highlights the importance of having a clinical finishing ability, which is often referred to as a "killer instinct" in football. Anthony Martial, a French forward, has shown flashes of brilliance on the pitch, but has struggled to consistently deliver goals.

Saha, a former French international and Premier League striker, is emphasizing that Martial needs to develop the ability to finish chances with greater precision and ruthlessness. This is a crucial aspect of being a top-class striker, as it allows them to capitalize on scoring opportunities and make a significant impact on the game.

To become a world-class player, Martial will need to work on his finishing skills, including his technique, movement, and decision-making in the box. He will also need to develop a more clinical approach to goal-scoring, which will require a combination of hard work, dedication, and mental toughness.

Overall, Saha's quote serves as a reminder that, while talent is important, it's not enough to guarantee success at the highest level. A player must also develop the skills and mentality required to excel in the most competitive environments.