Market research proposal for new product

Market Research Proposal for New Product: [Product Name]

Executive Summary:

The purpose of this market research proposal is to conduct a comprehensive study to gather insights on the market demand, competition, and consumer behavior for a new product, [Product Name]. The research aims to provide valuable information to inform the product development, marketing, and sales strategies for the new product.


  1. To understand the market size and growth potential for the new product.
  2. To identify the target audience and their needs, preferences, and pain points.
  3. To analyze the competitive landscape and identify gaps in the market.
  4. To gather feedback on the product concept, features, and pricing.
  5. To develop a comprehensive market research report that provides actionable insights for the product launch.

Research Objectives:

  1. To conduct online surveys and focus groups to gather information on consumer behavior, preferences, and attitudes towards the new product.
  2. To analyze the competitive landscape by reviewing industry reports, market research studies, and competitor websites.
  3. To conduct in-depth interviews with industry experts, thought leaders, and potential customers to gather insights on market trends and opportunities.
  4. To analyze secondary data sources such as market research reports, industry publications, and government statistics to gather information on market size, growth, and trends.


  1. Online Surveys: We will conduct online surveys using survey software to gather information from a sample of 500 respondents. The survey will be designed to gather information on consumer behavior, preferences, and attitudes towards the new product.
  2. Focus Groups: We will conduct 4-6 focus groups with 8-10 participants each to gather in-depth information on consumer behavior, preferences, and attitudes towards the new product.
  3. In-Depth Interviews: We will conduct 10-12 in-depth interviews with industry experts, thought leaders, and potential customers to gather insights on market trends and opportunities.
  4. Secondary Data Analysis: We will analyze secondary data sources such as market research reports, industry publications, and government statistics to gather information on market size, growth, and trends.


The research is expected to take 6 weeks to complete, with the following milestones:


The final report will include the following:


The total budget for the research is estimated to be [$X], which includes:


This market research proposal outlines a comprehensive study to gather insights on the market demand, competition, and consumer behavior for the new product, [Product Name]. The research aims to provide valuable information to inform the product development, marketing, and sales strategies for the new product. We believe that this research will provide actionable insights that will help the company to launch a successful product and achieve its business objectives.