Market loses n7bn 18 stocks depreciate

It seems like you're referring to a news article about the Nigerian stock market. Here's a possible summary:

The Nigerian stock market has lost a significant amount of value, with a total loss of N7 billion (approximately $18.5 million USD). This decline is attributed to the depreciation of 18 stocks, which have seen their values decrease.

Here are some possible reasons for this decline:

  1. Economic uncertainty: The Nigerian economy has been facing challenges, including a recession in 2020 and ongoing inflationary pressures. This uncertainty may be affecting investor confidence, leading to a decline in stock prices.
  2. Global market trends: The Nigerian stock market is influenced by global market trends. If global markets are experiencing a downturn, it may impact the Nigerian market, leading to a decline in stock prices.
  3. Company-specific issues: Some of the 18 depreciating stocks may be facing specific challenges, such as financial difficulties, management issues, or regulatory problems, which are affecting their stock prices.
  4. Liquidity issues: Low liquidity in the market can also contribute to stock price declines, as it may be difficult for investors to buy or sell shares.

It's essential to note that the Nigerian stock market is subject to various factors that can impact its performance. Investors should always do their research and consider multiple factors before making investment decisions.

Would you like me to provide more information on the specific stocks that depreciated or the Nigerian economy in general?