Maritime stakeholders laud nimasas new mgt

It seems like you're referring to a positive development in the maritime industry. Here's a possible completion of your sentence:

"Maritime stakeholders laud NIMASA's new management structure."

In this context, NIMASA stands for the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, which is responsible for regulating and promoting the maritime industry in Nigeria.

The new management structure might refer to a recent reorganization or appointment of new leadership within NIMASA, which has received praise from various stakeholders in the industry. These stakeholders could include shipping companies, terminal operators, port authorities, and other organizations that play a crucial role in the maritime sector.

The praise might be due to the new management's efforts to improve efficiency, reduce bureaucracy, and increase transparency in the agency's operations. This could lead to a more conducive business environment, increased investment, and improved services for the industry as a whole.

If you'd like to know more about the specific changes or initiatives that have received praise, please feel free to provide more context or details!