Marikana the musical returns to sast watch

I'm not aware of any information about a musical called "Marikana the Musical" returning to SAST (South African Standard Time). Marikana was a real-life event that occurred in 2012, where a strike by mineworkers at the Marikana mine in South Africa turned violent, resulting in the deaths of 34 miners. While there may have been a musical or play created about the event, I couldn't find any information about a specific production called "Marikana the Musical" returning to SAST.

If you're looking for information about upcoming productions or events related to Marikana, I suggest checking with local theaters, event calendars, or online ticketing platforms. You can also try searching for news articles or social media posts about the event to see if there are any updates or announcements about a potential return of the musical.

It's also worth noting that Marikana was a significant event in South African history, and it's possible that there may be other productions or events related to the event that are being planned or have been announced. If you're interested in learning more about the event or its impact, I recommend checking out reputable news sources or documentaries about the event.