Mapoly latest news on strike

MAPoly (Moshood Abiola Polytechnic) is a polytechnic institution located in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. As of my knowledge cutoff, there have been reports of a strike by the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) at MAPoly. Here are some of the latest news updates on the strike:

Latest News:

  1. ASUP Strike Enters 4th Week: The strike by ASUP at MAPoly has entered its 4th week, with no signs of resolution in sight. The union is demanding improved working conditions, better salaries, and the implementation of the National Minimum Wage Act. (Source: The Punch, February 2023)
  2. Students Protest: Students of MAPoly have taken to the streets to protest the strike, calling on the government to intervene and resolve the dispute. The students are worried about the impact of the strike on their academic calendar. (Source: Vanguard, February 2023)
  3. Management's Response: The management of MAPoly has appealed to the striking lecturers to return to work, promising to address their concerns. However, the union has rejected the offer, saying it is not sufficient to resolve the issues. (Source: The Nation, February 2023)
  4. Government Intervention: The Ogun State Government has intervened in the dispute, calling on both parties to resolve their differences amicably. The government has also promised to provide additional funding to the polytechnic to improve its infrastructure and facilities. (Source: PM News, February 2023)


The strike by ASUP at MAPoly began on January 25, 2023, after the union's members voted to embark on the industrial action. The union is demanding improved working conditions, better salaries, and the implementation of the National Minimum Wage Act. The strike has affected academic activities at the polytechnic, with students unable to attend classes or access facilities.


The strike has had a significant impact on the academic calendar at MAPoly, with students and lecturers affected. The strike has also raised concerns about the future of the polytechnic, with some stakeholders warning of a potential collapse of the institution if the dispute is not resolved.


The strike by ASUP at MAPoly remains ongoing, with no signs of resolution in sight. The union is demanding improved working conditions and better salaries, while the management of the polytechnic is appealing for the lecturers to return to work. The Ogun State Government has intervened in the dispute, promising to provide additional funding to the polytechnic. The strike has had a significant impact on the academic calendar at MAPoly, with students and lecturers affected.