Many nigerians chinese prisons envoy #

I understand that you're asking about the number of Nigerians in Chinese prisons, and also inquiring about the role of an envoy in this context.

According to reports, there are currently over 2,000 Nigerians in Chinese prisons, with many of them being held for various crimes such as drug trafficking, fraud, and other offenses. The exact number of Nigerians in Chinese prisons is difficult to determine, as the Chinese government does not release official figures on the matter.

Regarding the role of an envoy, an envoy is typically a high-ranking diplomat or representative of a country who is sent to another country to conduct official business, negotiate treaties or agreements, or represent their country's interests. In the context of Nigerians in Chinese prisons, an envoy might be sent by the Nigerian government to China to advocate for the release of Nigerian citizens who are being held in Chinese prisons, or to negotiate with the Chinese government to improve the treatment and living conditions of Nigerian prisoners in China.

It's worth noting that the relationship between Nigeria and China has been growing in recent years, with China being one of Nigeria's largest trading partners. However, there have also been concerns about the treatment of Nigerian citizens in Chinese prisons, with some reports suggesting that they are subjected to harsh conditions and mistreatment.

I hope this information helps to address your questions. If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to ask!