Mangu news

Mangu News!

Mangu is a popular breakfast dish in many Latin American countries, particularly in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. It's a delicious combination of mashed green plantains, garlic, and cheese, often served with eggs, meat, or other accompaniments.

Here are some recent news and updates about Mangu:

  1. Mangu Festival: The 5th Annual Mangu Festival was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, celebrating the country's national dish. The event featured live music, traditional dance performances, and of course, plenty of mangu!
  2. Mangu Recipe Contest: A popular Puerto Rican food blogger, La Cocina de Ana, hosted a mangu recipe contest, where readers could submit their own mangu recipes. The winner received a cookbook and a cooking class with a local chef.
  3. Mangu in the US: A new Dominican restaurant in New York City, Mangu & Co., has gained popularity for its authentic mangu dishes, including vegan and gluten-free options.
  4. Mangu and Health: Research suggests that mangu, made with green plantains, can be a healthy breakfast option due to its high fiber and potassium content. It's also a great source of energy to start your day!
  5. Mangu Variations: Chefs and food bloggers are experimenting with different mangu variations, such as adding sweet potatoes, bacon, or even chocolate chips to the traditional recipe.

Stay tuned for more mangu news and updates!