Mane is really dangerous when you think youve contained him

I think you're referring to the concept of "Mandela Effect"!

The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon where a group of people remember an event or detail differently than what is recorded in history books or other sources. It's named after Nelson Mandela, the former President of South Africa, whom many people believed had died in prison in the 1980s, when in fact he had not.

The term "Mandela Effect" was coined by the paranormal consultant Fiona Broome, who wrote about her own experiences with the phenomenon on her website. She described how she and many others remembered Mandela's death in prison, but it was later revealed that he had actually died in 2013.

The Mandela Effect has been observed in various areas, including:

  1. Historical events: People remembering events or details differently than what is recorded in history books.
  2. Geography: Places or landmarks being remembered in a different location or appearance than they are today.
  3. Language: Words or phrases being remembered differently than their current meaning or spelling.
  4. Pop culture: People remembering TV shows, movies, or music differently than they actually were.

The Mandela Effect has sparked a lot of debate and speculation about the nature of reality, memory, and the multiverse. Some people believe that it's evidence of parallel universes or alternate realities, while others think it's simply a result of human error or confirmation bias.

What do you think about the Mandela Effect? Have you experienced any instances of it yourself?