Manchester united supporters club new york

A great find!

The Manchester United Supporters Club (MUSC) New York is a fantastic way for Red Devils fans in the Big Apple to connect with fellow supporters, attend matches, and participate in various activities. Here's some information to get you started:

Contact Information:


To become a member of the MUSC New York, you'll need to join the Manchester United Supporters Club (MUSC) London, which has a global network of supporters clubs. Membership benefits include:

Meetups and Events:

The MUSC New York organizes various events throughout the year, including:

Social Media:

Stay connected with the MUSC New York on social media:

Other Manchester United Supporters Groups in New York:

While the MUSC New York is the official supporters club, there are other groups and communities of Manchester United fans in the New York area. Some examples include:

Remember to always follow the official Manchester United Supporters Club (MUSC) guidelines and rules when attending matches or participating in events. Enjoy your Red Devils fandom in the Big Apple!