Manchester united new jersey pictures

Manchester United has a strong presence in New Jersey, with a large fan base and a training facility located in Harrison, NJ. Here are some pictures of Manchester United in New Jersey:

  1. Manchester United Training Facility: The team's training facility is located in Harrison, NJ, and is used by the first team and academy players. Image: Manchester United Training Facility in Harrison, NJ
  2. Manchester United Academy: The Manchester United Academy is located in Harrison, NJ, and is home to the team's youth development program. Image: Manchester United Academy in Harrison, NJ
  3. Manchester United Fans in New Jersey: Manchester United has a large and dedicated fan base in New Jersey, with many fans attending matches and events at the team's training facility. Image: Manchester United fans in New Jersey
  4. Manchester United Match in New Jersey: Manchester United has played several matches in New Jersey, including a friendly match against Real Madrid in 2013. Image: Manchester United match in New Jersey
  5. Manchester United Jersey: Manchester United has a strong presence in New Jersey, with many fans wearing the team's jersey and showing their support for the team. Image: Manchester United jersey

These are just a few examples of Manchester United in New Jersey. The team has a strong presence in the state, with a large fan base and a training facility located in Harrison, NJ.