Manchester is red pogba celebrates man utds derby win

I think there may be a few issues with your statement!

Firstly, Manchester is not "red" - Manchester United, the football club, is often referred to as the "Red Devils" due to their iconic red jerseys, but the city of Manchester itself is not red.

Secondly, Paul Pogba is a French professional footballer who plays for Manchester United, but he is not known for celebrating Manchester United's derby wins specifically. While he has played in many important matches for the club, including derbies against Manchester City, there is no particular celebration associated with him that is unique to these matches.

Lastly, while Manchester United and Manchester City are both based in Manchester, they are two separate football clubs with their own distinct histories, rivalries, and fan cultures. The Manchester derby is a highly anticipated and intense match between the two teams, but it's not a specific celebration that Pogba is associated with.

If you have any further questions or would like to clarify what you meant, feel free to ask!