Man utd star fernandes insists its not about bruno its about the team

It seems like Manchester United star Bruno Fernandes is trying to deflect attention away from himself and onto the team!

In a recent interview, Fernandes was asked about his impressive form and individual success, but he quickly shifted the focus to the team's collective effort. He emphasized that it's not just about him, but about the entire squad working together to achieve success.

Fernandes' comments are likely a response to the constant scrutiny and attention he receives as one of the team's top players. By downplaying his own role and highlighting the team's unity, he's trying to show that he's a team player who prioritizes the collective goal over individual accolades.

It's a clever move, as it not only deflects attention away from himself but also sends a positive message to his teammates and the fans. By emphasizing the importance of teamwork, Fernandes is encouraging everyone to work together towards a common goal, which can only strengthen the team's bond and performance on the pitch.

What do you think, folks? Do you agree with Fernandes' sentiments, or do you think he's just trying to avoid the spotlight?