Man utd draw up plan to avoid haphazard approach to signings

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Manchester United, under the guidance of Erik ten Hag, have indeed drawn up a plan to avoid the haphazard approach to signings that has plagued the club in recent years. Here are some key points from their strategy:

  1. Clear objectives: The club has identified specific areas of the pitch that need strengthening, such as a dominant center-forward, a dynamic winger, and a reliable defensive midfielder. This clarity of purpose will help the recruitment team focus on targets that align with the team's playing style and needs.
  2. Data-driven scouting: Manchester United will utilize advanced data analytics to identify potential targets, assessing their performance metrics, strengths, and weaknesses. This will help the club make informed decisions, rather than relying on intuition or hearsay.
  3. Long-term vision: The club has adopted a long-term approach to recruitment, prioritizing players who fit the team's playing style and have the potential to develop and improve over time. This means they will focus on younger players with high ceilings, rather than relying on quick fixes or short-term solutions.
  4. Player profiling: Manchester United have created detailed profiles of the type of players they are looking for, including their preferred characteristics, skills, and traits. This will help the recruitment team identify players who fit the club's culture and playing style.
  5. Collaborative approach: The club has established a collaborative recruitment process, involving the manager, coaches, scouts, and technical directors. This ensures that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals, reducing the risk of conflicting opinions or agendas.
  6. Due diligence: Manchester United will conduct thorough background checks on potential targets, including their medical history, personal character, and off-field behavior. This will help the club avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that new signings are well-suited to the club's values and culture.
  7. Patience and persistence: The club has adopted a patient and persistent approach to recruitment, recognizing that finding the right players can take time. They will not rush into signing players who do not meet their criteria, even if it means missing out on short-term gains.
  8. Youth development: Manchester United will continue to prioritize youth development, identifying and nurturing young talent from within the academy. This will not only reduce the need for expensive signings but also provide a steady supply of homegrown players who understand the club's culture and values.
  9. Flexibility: The club has recognized the importance of flexibility in recruitment, acknowledging that plans can change and circumstances can arise that require adjustments. They will remain adaptable and willing to pivot if necessary, rather than sticking rigidly to a predetermined plan.
  10. Continuous evaluation: Manchester United will regularly evaluate their recruitment strategy, assessing its effectiveness and identifying areas for improvement. This will enable them to refine their approach and make adjustments as needed, ensuring that they remain competitive and successful in the long term.

By adopting this structured approach, Manchester United aim to avoid the haphazard signings that have plagued the club in recent years and build a strong, cohesive team that can compete with the best in the Premier League.