Man utd and dortmund birmingham boss tells bellingham to ignore interest

It seems like there's some interesting transfer news!

According to reports, Birmingham City manager Lee Bowyer has told Jude Bellingham to ignore the interest from Manchester United and Borussia Dortmund, as he wants the young midfielder to focus on his development at the Championship club.

Bellingham, who joined Birmingham City from Aston Villa in 2020, has been impressing scouts and fans alike with his performances, leading to speculation about a potential move to a bigger club. Manchester United and Borussia Dortmund are reportedly interested in signing him, but Bowyer is keen to keep him at St Andrew's.

Bowyer has told Bellingham to focus on his game and not get distracted by the transfer rumors, as he believes the 18-year-old has a bright future ahead of him at Birmingham City. It's a bold move by the manager, but it shows that he's committed to developing Bellingham's talent and keeping him at the club.

What do you think about this news? Should Bellingham stay at Birmingham City or take the opportunity to join a bigger club?