Man on mission to confirm if world is round dies in rocket crash

I think I've come across a rather... interesting news article!

It appears that a man named Zdeněk Hráček, a Czech entrepreneur and adventurer, had been on a mission to prove that the Earth is round. He had built his own rocket, called the "Earth Rounder," and was planning to launch it into space to take photographs of the curvature of the Earth.

Unfortunately, his mission ended in tragedy when the rocket crashed just 10 seconds after launch, killing Hráček instantly. The accident occurred on August 25, 2019, in the Czech Republic.

According to reports, the rocket was carrying a camera and a GPS device to capture evidence of the Earth's curvature. Hráček had been planning the mission for several years and had raised funds through crowdfunding to support his endeavor.

While the tragic loss of life is a devastating outcome, it's worth noting that the scientific consensus on the shape of the Earth has been well-established for centuries. The Earth is, in fact, an oblate spheroid, meaning it's slightly flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator.

Despite this, Hráček's mission was seen as a way to promote science education and inspire young people to pursue careers in STEM fields. His legacy will likely live on through the impact he had on his community and the inspiration he provided to others.

Rest in peace, Zdeněk Hráček. May your memory serve as a reminder of the importance of pursuing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of human understanding.