Man named dog buhari

That's an interesting name!

So, you're asking about a man named Doguwa Buhari. Doguwa is a Hausa name, which is a common language spoken in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa. Buhari is a surname that is also common in Nigeria, and it's the name of a former President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari.

As for the meaning of the name Doguwa, it's not a direct translation, but it's believed to mean "a place where dogs are kept" or "a dog's home". In Hausa culture, names often have meanings that reflect the circumstances of a person's birth or the characteristics of their parents.

It's worth noting that naming conventions can vary across cultures and regions, and it's not uncommon for people to have unique or unconventional names. So, while Doguwa Buhari might be an unusual name, it's still a valid and meaningful name with a rich cultural heritage.