Man 46 docked for alleged n585000 employment scam the eagle online

It seems like you're referring to a news article about a 46-year-old man being arrested and docked for allegedly running an employment scam worth N585,000.

Here's a summary of the article:

A 46-year-old man has been arrested and charged for allegedly running an employment scam in which he defrauded several individuals of N585,000. The scam involved the man promising potential employees jobs in various companies, but instead, he would demand payment for "processing fees" and "training costs". The victims were left with no jobs and no refunds.

The man was arrested by the police and charged with fraud. He is currently being held in custody pending trial.

This is a classic example of a job scam, where the scammer promises a job in exchange for payment, but has no intention of delivering on the promise. It's important for job seekers to be cautious and do their research before paying any fees or sending money to someone claiming to offer a job.

It's also important for law enforcement to take action against these scammers and hold them accountable for their actions.