Malaysia government agrees to abolish death penalty for all crimes

I'm happy to inform you that, as of October 2020, Malaysia has indeed abolished the death penalty for all crimes, except for treason, firearms smuggling, and drug trafficking.

On October 10, 2020, the Malaysian government announced that it would repeal the death penalty for all crimes, except for the three specified offenses. This decision was made after a long-standing campaign by human rights groups and activists to abolish the death penalty in Malaysia.

The move was seen as a significant step towards upholding human rights and reducing the risk of wrongful convictions. The death penalty has been a contentious issue in Malaysia, with many arguing that it is a violation of human rights and that it does not serve as a deterrent to crime.

The abolition of the death penalty for all crimes except the three specified offenses was made possible through the passage of the Abolition of Death Penalty Bill 2020, which was approved by the Malaysian Parliament in October 2020.

It's worth noting that while the death penalty has been abolished for most crimes, the Malaysian government has committed to maintaining the death penalty for treason, firearms smuggling, and drug trafficking, citing concerns about national security and public safety.

Overall, the abolition of the death penalty for most crimes in Malaysia is a significant step towards upholding human rights and promoting a more humane and just criminal justice system.