Malayala manorama latest news in english

Here are the latest news from Malayala Manorama, a leading Malayalam newspaper in India, translated into English:

Top News

  1. Kerala Floods: Death Toll Rises to 324: The death toll in the Kerala floods has risen to 324, with over 40,000 people still stranded in various parts of the state.
  2. Nipah Virus Outbreak in Kerala: A new outbreak of Nipah virus has been reported in Kerala, with three people testing positive for the disease.
  3. Kerala Government Announces Relief Package: The Kerala government has announced a relief package of Rs 1,000 crore to help those affected by the floods.
  4. BJP Leader Murdered in Kerala: A BJP leader was murdered in Kerala's Thrissur district, with police suspecting political rivalry as the motive.
  5. Kerala Assembly Session Adjourned: The Kerala Assembly session was adjourned after opposition parties protested against the government's handling of the flood situation.

National News

  1. India-China Border Tensions Ease: Tensions between India and China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) have eased, with both sides agreeing to maintain peace and tranquility.
  2. Rahul Gandhi Meets Congress Leaders: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi met with party leaders to discuss the party's strategy for the upcoming elections.
  3. India-US Trade Talks Fail to Yield Results: Trade talks between India and the US failed to yield results, with both sides unable to agree on key issues.
  4. Supreme Court Verdict on Ayodhya Dispute: The Supreme Court is set to deliver its verdict on the Ayodhya dispute, with both Hindu and Muslim groups waiting anxiously for the outcome.
  5. India's GDP Growth Slows Down: India's GDP growth slowed down to 5.7% in the June quarter, with economists attributing the slowdown to global economic conditions.

International News

  1. US-Iran Tensions Escalate: Tensions between the US and Iran escalated after the US accused Iran of attacking two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman.
  2. UK-EU Trade Talks Collapse: Trade talks between the UK and EU collapsed, with both sides unable to agree on key issues.
  3. North Korea-US Talks Break Down: Talks between North Korea and the US broke down, with North Korea accusing the US of making "gangster-like" demands.
  4. China-US Trade War Intensifies: The trade war between China and the US intensified, with both sides imposing new tariffs on each other's goods.
  5. G20 Summit Concludes: The G20 summit concluded, with leaders from around the world discussing key global issues such as trade, climate change, and security.

Please note that these news articles are subject to change and may not reflect the latest updates.